7 Strategies To Boost Your Plastic Surgery Presence On Instagram

Social media platforms are some of the best ways to reach patients (and future patients). Just like other businesses use these apps to promote their services, you can use them to communicate about the procedures and treatments your practice offers.

But how do you build a following on social media? How do you engage with people and keep them interested in your practice and services? We have seven tips to help you increase your presence on Instagram and other social media platforms.

Use Other Platforms To Build Up Your Instagram Following

You may have a large number of followers on TikTok or X. You might have a ton of page likes on Facebook. But, for some reason, Instagram is the one social media site you can’t seem to crack.

The good news is that your other social media can help you gain followers on Instagram. Use other sites to draw attention to the fact that you have an Instagram account. Ask followers to go check out your practice’s account and follow it. It might be a good idea to offer some promotional incentives, like discounts or giveaways, which will encourage more people to follow your Instagram account.

Analyze Your Posts And Engagement Data

When you have a business account on Instagram, there’s a tool that lets you monitor your engagements. Sure, you can judge the most popular posts by the number of views, likes, comments, etc. But you can dive deep into the facts with Instagram analytics. 

This tool helps you know how many people interacted with your post, how many people your content reached, popular geographic locations (where people are when they engage with your content), and what ages, genders, etc., show the most interest in your posts. This information can be a big help when you’re creating content and developing marketing campaigns.

Use Engagement To Build Trust

Posting isn’t the end of the road for social media marketing. You have to spend some time engaging with your audience. Reply to comments, like their responses–put a personal touch on an otherwise impersonal way of communication.

Something as simple as answering a comment with an emoji or a quick reply helps show the personable and relatable side of your practice. Small hints of the personality behind your practice can show off the people behind your brand and marketing campaigns and encourage your followers to have trust and confidence in your practice.

 Don’t Post Too Often (Just Often Enough)

You don’t have to post every few hours to stay relevant. Some businesses will post every other day, though most may choose to put at least one new piece of content out per day.

You’re in the social media race for the long run; whatever strategy you develop needs to be something you can stick to and sustain for a long period of time. You probably can’t post consistently every two hours to increase your practice’s visibility. If you do, you might lose followers because, let’s be honest–posting every two hours is a lot. It may be best to start slow and increase your post frequency gradually.

Use Content Trends To Promote Your Practice

Although, it doesn’t hurt to post extra sometimes. Say you’ve already created and posted your daily content. Then, you see a trending hashtag, video, or audio that would fit perfectly with an idea you have for a piece of content. If you can get the content finished and ready to post the same day, then by all means, double post that day! In special cases like this, it’s more important to go ahead and post the content for visibility. And don’t worry–an extra post now and then isn’t going to lose you any followers.

Get Creative (And Educational) With Your Content

Following trends will require some creativity, so don’t be afraid to be a little experimental with your content. By changing a few things here and there, you’ll learn what people like and what they don’t. You can try a more clinical approach to educating people about procedures or go for a laid-back vibe–whatever you think will resonate most with your audience. If it doesn’t work, change your tone and try again until you find what works for your practice.

Dream Up A Catchy, Personalized Hashtag

Once upon a time, hashtags were all the rage. They still serve a purpose today, helping more people discover your content and expanding your reach. Spend some time brainstorming and coming up with a creative, personalized hashtag. Tell your patients about the hashtag when they’re in the office for treatment or through social media. Encourage them to use it when they post pictures of the results from their procedures to give your practice a boost and a good recommendation from previous patients.

Struggling To Create A Following For Your Practice On Social Media?

No matter how well-designed Instagram may be, developing a solid following can still be hard. If you’ve tried the seven steps above and still haven’t seen much growth in your follower count, it may be time to call in the experts. Marketing agencies like realdrseattle specialize in social media management (including advertising). We use our experience to help your Instagram posts reach as many people as possible while staying on brand.

Call us today at (206) 787-0784 to schedule a consultation or set up a call through our website.

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