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Stagnant In Sarasota

Sarasota Surgical Arts is a premier cosmetic surgery clinic located in Sarasota, FL. The practice wanted to redesign their website, maximize online leads, and rank higher for their keywords related to Sarasota. The chief complaint was, “I’ve been paying our website company for years and we haven’t seen any increase in leads. Website leads are just stagnant.”

This is a common concern we hear from our clients. Once the website is established, it sometimes does not get updated regularly with new content or to the most recent design standards. Even when a website is managed, when the manager has countless other websites to handle, it can cause websites to slowly decline. At realdrseattle®, we are a boutique digital agency that has our roots in the cosmetic and plastic surgery industry. We knew exactly what it would take to help Sarasota Surgical Arts see results.


Investigating The Stagnacy - Online Identity

After coming to realdrseattle®, we assessed their website and current traffic. As far as the website goes, it had an outdated look and was not user friendly. The dark tones of the website were not welcoming and it did not represent the practice or unique setting of Sarasota. The website did get a few things right. It featured the phone number prominently as well as Dr. Sessa and the practice name. Our audit also determined that the content on the site was on the lighter side, which was hurting its rankings due to Google's updates centering around site content. Additionally, we found many technical problems with the site during our audit that had to do with aspects of design and technical SEO.

When we took a look at their analytics, realdrseattle® determined that Sarasota Surgical Arts was losing out to their competitors. Their bounce rates were over 50% on some pages and their average ranking was below page one. This meant that few web searchers were coming to the website at all. The few who did make their way to the site often did not stick around long. While the rankings were not directly tied to the design itself, errors in the design did contribute. As far as not retaining website visitors, our team concluded it was because the website was outdated compared to current design standards. Upon performing an audit, we recommended a complete redesign of to better represent Dr. Sessa’s long standing Sarasota practice and good results.

From The Ground Up

Working with Sarasota Surgical Arts to understand their goals and desires, we decided to start from scratch and build a whole new site. This included writing new content and completely re-designing the website. A few elements from the website would be transferred over including before and after photos, videos, and a few blog posts.

Our designers worked to completely revamp the Sarasota Surgical Arts brand. This included a new, brighter color scheme, a modern logo, and updating Dr. Sessa's headshot. Once these elements were finalized, they began building out the website based on these new branding features.

After supplying fresh content, giving the photo gallery a much-needed makeover, and refreshing the website's look, the final step was to make the website more interactive and engaging. To do this, our team decided to install Price Simulator, an instant quote generator that acts as a lead magnet for plastic and cosmetic surgeon websites. The realdrseattle® team also installed live chat capability and trained the Sarasota Surgical Arts team on how to use the system to interact with leads in real time.

The previous website was crowded and dark which could lead users to distrust the content and the overall site. After we gave Sarasota Surgical Arts the best cosmetic surgery web design treatment, it no longer overwhelms the user while also leading them directly to information or elements they want. The outdated look of the site drove users to not convert. With our complete overhaul of the website, Sarasota Surgical Arts now has a newly branded and sleek, modern website.

Services Summary

  • Provided new content pages
  • Installed live chat
  • Wrote and executed new PPC campaigns
  • Created and posted new social media posts
  • Implemented Google 3D Office tour performed by a professional, Google certified photographer
  • Optimized and managed Google My Business page and presence, including weekly article submissions
  • Developed a keyword strategy and performed on-page and off-page optimization for these selected keywords
  • Installed Price Simulator™ to capture lead information
  • Listed the website on Google Maps and local directories
"My practice has never been busier than since I started with realdrseattle®. I even had to hire an associate to keep up with the demand."
-Dr. Alberico Sessa


Following the launch of their new website, Sarasota Surgical Arts began to see a steady increase in website traffic.

The traffic on jumped by over 100% in the first three months after the site launched. Prior to seeking out realdrseattle®, Sarasota Surgical Arts averaged just under 1,000 website visits a day. Most of this traffic came from PPC and social media.

Following our website launch, Sarasota Surgical Arts’ website began ranking higher organically, leading to a tenfold increase in traffic because of their higher Google rankings. With the implementation of engagement tools such as live chat and Price Simulator, users became less likely to bounce away from the site.

The engagement rate on went from only 10% of visitors visiting more than one page to 80% of visitors visiting two or more pages in the weeks following the launch of the new site. This means more visitors stayed on the site and were more likely to convert versus visitors who come to the site and immediately leave.

This increase of traffic and engaged visitors to the Sarasota Surgical Arts sites naturally led to more conversions. Within ten days of the launch of the new Sarasota Surgical Arts site, conversions more than tripled. From getting only a few conversions through the website a day, our redesign, implementation of live chat, and optimized contact forms, led more visitors on the site to convert.

Prior to working with realdrseattle®, Dr. Sessa would receive only a few leads a day through his website. In the days following the official site launch, Sarasota Surgical Arts saw their leads go from 2 conversions per day to 35 conversions per day.

The Legacy - Achieving Top Rankings

Sarasota Surgical Arts now dominates Sarasota’s local area and maintains its presence on page one. The website currently ranks on page one for 140 keywords and is listed on over 70 local pack listings. With realdrseattle’s® proven techniques and track record in website design, custom content, and PPC, Sarasota Surgical Arts went from a page six to page one on Google in just a few months.

Due to their increase in traffic and conversions, Sarasota Surgical Arts became inundated with new leads. According to Dr. Sessa of Sarasota Surgical Arts, “My practice has never been busier than after I started with realdrseattle®. I even had to hire an associate to keep up with the demand.”

In Closing

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