White Hat SEO Tips To Improve Online Presence

White Hat SEO Tips To Improve Online Presence

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The term “white hat” in SEO refers to morally good tactics that search engines do not penalize for. “Gray hat” and “black hat” are the adjoining terms that refer to borderline tactics and bad (or even illegal) SEO tactics. Obviously, marketers want to stick to white hat tactics. Here are some white hat SEO tips to improve your online presence.

#1: Repurpose/Update Old Content

As websites age, their content may improve in quality or provide outdated information. Updating this content and/or repurposing it into a more meaningful blog post or page can help improve your rankings. It is okay to delete old content if you need to as well. Keeping content fresh, informative, and up-to-date is a powerful way to keep your site ranking well.

#2: Avoid Keyword Stuffing

It is important to perform keyword research and use your keywords in your content. However, overusing—or stuffing—keywords in your content to the point it seems unreadable, or using background colored font to hide it on the page is a black hat tactic that can lead to penalties from Google and other search engines. Use your keywords, but incorporate them naturally into the text and use synonyms as well.

#3: Strengthen Internal Links

Most of the focus on linkbuilding goes to outside links. These are important. However, internally linking in your content makes it easier for search engine crawlers and users alike to navigate your website.

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