What Are Interactive Email Blasts?

What Are Interactive Email Blasts?

Email blasts are essentially marketing emails that help promote website traffic, conversions, and sales. However, people do not want just a text email when it comes to marketing, entire software and services exist to make them look more attractive and garner more success. Let’s look at one of the ways to improve your email marketing: interactive email blasts.

What are interactive email blasts? They are essentially emails that the receiver can somehow interact with. This could include links, videos, photos, and even a way to reply back. Sometimes this can be as simple as adding links or exclusive coupon codes to your email. Others may make it even more interactive by embedding videos or other interactive elements.

It is well known among marketers that interactive emails do better than traditional email marketing. Additionally, every email client makes it easy to add interactivity to your email blasts. Most browsers–including mobile browsers–also support most forms of interactivity.

To learn more and schedule a free marketing consultation call us at 206-787-0784 or reach out online via chat and contact form.

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