Update Or Delete Old Content: Which Is Better For SEO?

Managing website content, especially on a website that contains years worth of blog posts, photos, and pages can quickly become an overwhelming and daunting task. A common question that site managers often ask is, “Is it better to update or delete old content?” This is an understandable dilemma and does not always have a straightforward answer. Let’s take a look at whether updating or deleting old content is better for SEO.The first step is to perform an audit of all your old content. If there are posts that are no longer relevant or accurate, it is likely best to delete these. You can then redirect the post to one on the same or a similar topic that is more up to date. This prevents information that is no longer relevant (such as old contact information) or accurate (prices that have since been updated), from spreading.However, if the post or page contains information that is still interesting and valuable to your audience, it may be worth updating it to reflect your current business. Additionally, adding or elaborating on content is good SEO practice. Though, in some cases, it is unnecessary.Overall, both updating and deleting content can be good for your website’s SEO in certain situations. If you would like guidance in this process, contact realdrseattle® via phone at 206-787-0784. You can also reach out using our online chat or contact form for a free marketing consultation.

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