Tips For Handling A Negative SEO Attack

SEO is generally considered to be one of the best things you can invest in for your online presence. However, competitors or those with malicious intent can use SEO in a negative way to cause your site to lose authority and move down the rankings. Here are some tips for handling a negative SEO attack.

First, make good use of the disavow tool. This can be done by submitting links to your website that you do not want to be affiliated with. To do this, you do need to be keeping track of the backlinks your website receives. If notice spammy links, it is best to disavow them as quickly as possible.

Second, invest in click protection for your PPC ads. Another tactic for negative SEO is to click on a competitor's PPC ads to waste their budget prematurely. This then makes their ads not show and lowers the competition for the ad space.

Finally, make sure you have plenty of security protections. While negative SEO attacks do not focus on hacking the target website, it is best to ensure that you have a secure website, firewalls, and other protections.

To learn more and schedule a free marketing consultation, call us at 206-973-7865 or reach out online via chat or contact form.

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