The Top Three Reasons Plastic Surgeons Should Update Their Website Blog Regularly

Last week, we discussed how to make your plastic surgery website’s blog more effective. One of the points made in that post was to update your blog regularly. Why is it important? Do people actually read the blogs? realdrseattle® explains the top three reasons plastic surgeons should update their website blog regularly.

#1: It Shows Your Website Is Well Managed & Up To Date

First off, updating your blog shows that your website is well managed and consistently updated. Have you ever been to a website where their last blog post was from over a year ago? It immediately makes the site seem outdated and haphazard, even if this is not the case. Even sales or marketing updates go a long way in making your website stand out and look cared for.

#2: Plastic Surgery Is Always Evolving

In the plastic and cosmetic surgery industries, new procedures, trends, and news come out nearly every week. There are controversies and photos of bad celebrity plastic surgery that circulate often. Tapping into the newest plastic surgery advancements and trends keeps website visitors informed and can help them find you when they search for the most recent plastic surgery trend.

#3: Blog Posts Can Rank On Google

Like your procedure pages, blog posts can rank within Google. For many commonly asked plastic surgery questions and some procedures, some of the top results are blog posts. This is one of the lesser known ways that content marketing brings conversions through your website. Investing in good, well written blog content can have you showing up on the first page of Google more frequently.To learn more about content marketing for plastic surgeons and to schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also contact us online via chat or contact form.

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