How Many Times Should You Draft Web Content?

The content on your website may not seem important. Most people are not going to read through thousands of words worth of information or sift through blog posts? While this may be somewhat true, people do like seeing reliable information on a website. Additionally, even if real people are not investing twenty minutes in reading the site content, search engines are. Therefore, you should put time, care, and effort into your website content. So, how many times should you draft web content?There is not really a right answer to this question. Though, strategizing and preparing for your website content beforehand cuts down on the amount of work and time that will go into actually writing. For example, conduct your keyword research before and go into your content knowing what words you want to target. Not only does this save time, but it makes your content better from the start.Once you finish an initial draft of your content, you will want to proofread and optimize it. This can include adding or removing keywords, lengthening or shortening the text, fixing typos, addressing grammar and spelling errors, among other things. However, rarely do SEO writers have to completely redraft content. There are also various tools you can use to help you write strategic web content quickly and with the minimal number of drafts possible.To learn more and get a free marketing consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also reach out online via chat or our contact form.

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