Getting Blog Posts To Rank On Page One: A How To Guide

When thinking about website rankings, most will consider their web pages. However, web pages are not the only content on your website that can rank. Blog posts can also move up the rankings when well written and using keywords strategically. So, what is the secret to getting blog posts to rank on page one? Allow the writers at realdrseattle® to provide some tips.

#1: Target The Rich Snippet Questions

When searching one of your keywords, you may notice a drop down menu of questions appears, such as this one when searching for tummy tuck:

A Screenshot Showing Rich Snippet Results

Look through these questions and choose a few that you could write blog posts about. Answer the question in detail and provide real, accurate, and interesting information. If you write enough good content, it is likely that you will be able to capture one of these results. This improves your overall rankings.

#2: Add Media

Like with your web pages, using photos and videos within the content can boost its visibility. Therefore, if you have relevant photos or videos, don’t be afraid to add them. You can also use stock footage, screenshots, and any other media you may have (and have permission to use) to adequately address the topic.

#3: Conduct Research

Even if you know everything there is to know about the blog topic, do some research on the relevant keywords and see what others have said about it. If you shed new light on the topic or bring a new perspective, search engines will pick up on this and will often rank your post higher than others that only provide basic or outdated information. To learn more and schedule a marketing consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also reach out online using our chat or contact form.

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