3 Tips For More Effective Blog Content

Nearly every website--regardless of industry--has a blog. The use of a website blog does vary depending on the type of website. For plastic and cosmetic surgery websites, the blog can have many different functions that can boost SEO and conversions. For example, you may write educational content, make announcements, and promote specials. However, the blog should not be something you update occasionally or do not put thought into. A well strategized blog can make a large difference in where you rank on Google. Here are 3 tips for more effective blog content from the content writers at realdrseattle®.

#1: Post Regularly

First and foremost, you should update your blog regularly. Typically, this means at least once a week. Blog content keeps your website active and induces crawling of your website between when you create new pages. This keeps your website at or climbing towards the top of the rankings instead of becoming stagnant or falling between major updates.

#2: Keyword Optimize

It’s great to write blog topics you come up with yourself. However, after choosing a topic, or if you’re stuck, do some research on what exactly people are searching about related to that topic or question. Phrasing the title of your blog post the same way people are searching for it promotes better rankings and can even lead to securing one of the coveted schema positions.

#3: Internal Links

One of the more technical functions of blog posts on your website is to strengthen your internal linking structure. Blogs are at the bottom of the hierarchy of your website. Therefore, linking to other blogs and pages on your website provides a great jumping off point for web visitors and crawlers alike.realdrseattle® can help manage your website’s blog and write effective, SEO optimized content. To learn more, schedule a free marketing consultation by calling us at 206-787-0784. You can also reach out to us online via chat or contact form.

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