3 Recent Updates To Google’s Local Search

3 Recent Updates To Google’s Local Search

Google recently made several updates to their local search and how web users can interact with it. While not all of these apply to the plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, and medical spa industry, it is important to know how they may begin to affect you and your SEO in the coming years. Here are three of the recent updates to Google’s local search.

#1: Live View Enhancements

Google is developing a way of navigating using your phone’s camera to see landmarks and the path to wherever you are navigating. This uses data from Google Maps and Business data. Thus, it is important that your business is indexed on Google Maps. You can do this via your Google My Business page.

#2: Immersive Street View

Current Google Maps features allow uses to sometimes use street view to go inside of businesses. This is not a default and businesses must set this up with a Google Certified Photographer with a 3D camera. However, updates to this that are launching in certain cities are now allowing users to view how busy a business may be at any given time and even the weather.

#3: Neighborhood Vibe Check

When planning a trip or visit to a city, this “vibe check” feature allows users to explore specific neighborhoods and their local gems. This includes tourist attractions and general businesses. Thus, ensure you accept Google Reviews and that you have several of them.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784 or reach out online via chat or contact form.

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