What We Can Learn About SEO Content From Recipe Blogs

What We Can Learn About SEO Content From Recipe Blogs

When it comes to the best examples of SEO content on the internet, the first one that comes to mind for most people is probably not recipe blogs. However, with so many recipes floating around the internet, it takes a lot for one to stand out and rank. Recipe blog writers have perfected SEO content and understand how to get noticed on the internet. Here’s what we can learn about SEO content from recipe blogs.

Recipes on their own are generally not dense with content. Most are under 1,000 words and many fall well below 600. Even with many recipes on a blog, it is hard to get noticed, especially when there are thousands of chocolate chip cookie recipes out there. To address this, writers began to add more content to their recipes. Whether it be a personal story behind the recipe, tips for baking, or explaining why they chose certain ingredients over others, this extra content helps them rank.

This content usually does have something to do with the recipe, even if the link is somewhat flimsy. However, normally, it helps authors get keywords and internal links which ultimately helps them rank. To learn more about quality SEO content, call us at 206-787-0784 or reach out online at chat or contact form.

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