What Do UX & UI Mean?

What Do UX & UI Mean?

When discussing website design, you may come across the terms UX and UI. These are shorthand terms, but what do they refer to when it comes to websites? Our web designers provide insight into the question, “What do UX and UI mean?”

Let’s start with UX. UX is an abbreviated way to say “user experience.” Therefore, UX design is a website design that focuses on creating a good and easy user experience. User experience is becoming more and more important for SEO. Investing in UX is vital for future and continued SEO success. 

UI stands for user interface. These are the visuals and interface that a user sees which may impact how they use the website or platform. This is especially important for driving actions and conversions. A design can help drive users to certain areas of the website and to perform certain actions. 

To learn more and schedule a marketing consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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