Understanding Where Website Traffic Comes From: Why It’s Important

Understanding Where Website Traffic Comes From: Why It’s Important

Every business owner wants more website traffic. Usually, marketers will use a combination of Pay-Per-Click advertising, social media, and SEO strategies to get both organic and paid traffic. However, after setting up these avenues for their website, many business owners do not track where their website traffic is coming from. Let’s discuss why understanding where website traffic comes from is important.First off, when investigating web traffic, it is good to know which advertising platforms and ads are giving you the most traffic and conversions. That way, you can invest in the most successful campaigns and platforms. This can save your marketing budget. Also, it helps you determine the best way to spread out your marketing efforts across the internet. For example, if Facebook brings you the most traffic, you may up the budget for Facebook ads, and decrease other advertising efforts.Secondly, for organic traffic, it is important to know what is paying off. For instance, knowing that most of your organic traffic is coming from mobile device search results, you can make sure that your website is and remains highly mobile optimized. Also, with the help of various tools, you can discover whether your content is helping drive traffic, the search engines most people are coming from, etc. While this information can become overwhelming, when sifted through, it can provide valuable information that you can use to better optimize your website as well as save money. To learn more, schedule a free marketing consultation by giving us a call at 206-787-0784. You can also reach out online via our chat feature or contact form.

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