Tips For Making The Most Of Automated Campaigns

Automated campaigns are a great tool in proactive marketing, saving time and money. Today, there is constant stream of technological chatter, and automated campaigns can quickly enter the junk folder. Successful marketing utilizes strategy, language, and design. Here are some tips for making the most of automated campaigns

#1: Understand The Client Experience

Consider your customers and how you help them. What does your audience want, and how does what you offer benefit them? Make it fun, engaging, and informative. Personalizing messages like this creates an initial link of trust between the reader and your business. 

#2: Preset Your Tags

Knowing your target audience is key to successful automated campaigns. Segmenting clients is the best way to ensure more traffic from the campaign. Take the time to preset the tags so your services and products land with the right audience. 

#3: Limit Message Frequency 

Some companies believe quantity matters more than quality when it comes to automated campaigns, but this isn’t true. Most consumers send spam marketing to the junk folder without a second glance. Making your campaigns count and sending one or two a month is a great way to stand out and boost engagement. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-973-7865 or reach out online via chat or contact form.

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