Take Advantage Of Price Shopping Leads With Price Simulator™

Plastic and cosmetic surgery is a major investment. It often requires outside financing or saving up for months or years. Due to this, one of the biggest problems plastic and cosmetic surgeons have when managing leads is that potential patients only want a price. Once they get it, they then bounce from the website or practice forever. Some aspect of this is expected and somewhat unavoidable, however, realdrseattle® created Price Simulator™ to help turn more of these price shoppers into patients. Here’s how you can take advantage of price shopping leads with Price Simulator™. The first advantage of Price Simulator™ is that it engages the lead and keeps them on your website. The longer a user stays on your website, the more Google recognizes your website’s authority. Therefore, even if the user bounces as soon as they get the price, it does not harm--and in fact--may boost your website’s SEO. Secondly, in exchange for pricing information, Price Simulator™ collects contact information. While the information it collects is customizable, in its simplest form, Price Simulator™ collects email and phone number. This allows you to continually touch base with the lead and keep in touch along their journey. If a user remembers your practice after they save or finish their research, they are more likely to become a conversion.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also contact us online using chat or contact form.

...In With The New
A Brand New Air
A Whole New Look & Feel
Alluring New Prospects