Plastic Surgery Social Media: Should You Be Using Snapchat

As a plastic surgeon, you have likely noticed the way social media has influenced plastic surgery patients. Many patients bring in pictures of themselves or others to highlight what they don’t like or what they want. Plastic surgeons now leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to educate about plastic surgery and feature patient results. Some of the most successful plastic surgeons on social media have used one platform in particular: Snapchat. This leads many of our clients to ask: should I be using Snapchat?The short answer is probably yes. Snapchat offers transparency that goes a long way in earning patient trust. To understand why Snapchat is a powerful plastic surgery marketing tool, it is important to know how it works and how other surgeons use it.

How Snapchat Works

Snapchat is primarily a messaging app that deletes messages 24 hours after viewing. The app also allows users to post stories that disappear in 24 hours. These stories can consist of photos or videos. For influencers and personalities, Snapchat stories offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse of their lives and work.The time limit on Snapchat stories creates an urgency that motivates users to view content quickly. Like other social media platforms, Snapchat offers curated content and ads. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, Snapchat comes with fewer regulations on content. This lets plastic surgeons take advantage of the platform.

How Plastic Surgeons Use Snapchat

Surgery videos often end up restricted or censored on traditional social media platforms. However, Snapchat allows plastic surgeons to stream surgery live. Normally, surgeons must account for nudity standards and some may choose not to show more graphic parts of surgery.This livestreaming offers patients transparency that builds trust. If a patient interested in a transaxillary breast augmentation watches another patient undergo the same procedure, they are more likely to trust that plastic surgeon with their surgery.Another notable benefit of using Snapchat to stream surgery is to provide peace of mind to patients and their families. Friends and family members of the patients can watch the surgery live which may ease pre-surgery anxiety in some patients.

Plastic Surgery Marketing On Snapchat

Having and using a Snapchat account is only the beginning of Snapchat marketing. Most social media outlets now offer a form of Pay-Per-Click marketing and Snapchat is no exception. While Snapchat may have fewer overall users than Facebook or Twitter, their audience is more dedicated. Over half of Snapchat users use the platform multiple times per day. Therefore, you are more likely to conduct successful re-targeting campaigns on Snapchat versus other platforms where users check once a day or less.Additionally, the average Snapchat user is younger than other social media users. 75% of all 13 to 34-year-olds are active Snapchat users. This has a larger reach than Instagram, a platform already favored by plastic surgeons. Depending on the plastic surgery, the target age demographic of 18-34 is accurate and representative of other marketing efforts.To find out more about how your plastic surgery practice, cosmetic surgery practice, or medical spa can leverage Snapchat to increase bookings, call us at 206-787-0784 or connect with us online via chat or contact form.

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