Plastic Surgery Event Ideas By realdrseattle®

The importance of digital marketing has skyrocketed in recent years. However, this does not mean that some traditional marketing tactics do not still hold merit. In fact, many of the top marketers use strategies from both traditional and digital marketing and even combine them. One of the tactics that integrate well with the digital landscape is events. Here are some plastic surgery event ideas from the plastic surgery marketing experts at realdrseattle®.

#1: Giveaways

Hosting giveaways on social media can boost your following quickly and substantially. Giveaways can consist of nearly anything: free Botulinum, gift cards, vouchers for a local restaurant, or even a private consultation. Making entrants interact with your social media can grow your presence and authority. You can culminate giveaways with a livestream to announce the winner.

#2: Livestreams

Speaking of livestreams, hosting live Q&A sessions or livestreams on relevant topics provides an interesting discourse for your audience. It boosts your authority and creates content at the same time (livestreams can be converted into video content for your website as well). Announcing livestreams ahead of time can increase the amount your audience participates, such as submitting questions or prompts beforehand.

#3: In-Person Events

While in-person live events have not yet picked back up following COVID-19, they will eventually become part of reality again. In-person events can consist of discounted injection days, open consultations, or more formalized events. These can get people in the office and, even if they don’t book, it begins a more personalized relationship that can lead to more future bookings.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784 or contact us online using our chat or contact form.

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