How SEO Has Changed In 2021

Every year brings changes in the SEO world. Google continues to update its algorithm, people find new ways to search, and the internet itself evolves. 2021 is no exception. With COVID-19 causing an increase in internet usage and the ways society interacts with it, SEO has seen unprecedented changes. Here is how SEO has changed in 2021 (so far).First off, in June, Google rolled out its Page Experience Update. This update--which was forewarned unlike many Google updates--made user experience on your website a ranking factor. If a user finds your website hard to use or navigate, this will now affect your search engine rankings. This is also true for mobile searches. Therefore, paying attention to your bounce rate and engagement has become more important.A few ways that websites have changed in response to this update are:

  • More websites are now mobile friendly
  • E-commerce sites now make it easier to purchase via mobile
  • Accessibility features added
  • Simpler navigation menus
  • Better, more engaging content

Finally, the zero click search is becoming a popular way for web searchers to get information. Have you ever had your search query answered based on one of the questions within the results, or from the highlighted result at the top? Often, web searchers will glean the information they need. While this may seem pointless, when patients are ready to schedule, they will remember that search result and come looking for you. Providing people with useful and actionable information creates a memory that often leads to a sale in the future.To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also contact us online via our contact form or chat.

...In With The New
A Brand New Air
A Whole New Look & Feel
Alluring New Prospects