How Important Are Daily Rankings?

How Important Are Daily Rankings?

There are various tools that marketers can use to measure movement in their search engine rankings on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. It is tempting to check them every day and analyze their movements. However, unlike a website that stays fairly consistent from day to day, rankings do not. With this fluctuation in mind, how important are daily rankings?

As mentioned, the order in which a search engine lists results for a given keyword will vary from day to day. It can even vary extremely depending on the circumstances and environment of the internet that day. While it is fine to check rankings every day, movements up and down are bound to happen. 

To gauge your performance, it is better to look at monthly and yearly movements. If your site has stayed relatively stable for a particular keyword, you likely will not need to worry too much. However, if your website has fallen off the results for one, you may need to examine your content for that keyword.

To learn more about how to analyze daily rankings and for a free marketing consultation, call us at 206-787-0784 or reach out online via chat or our contact form.

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