Happy Holidays & An Update From realdrseattle

realdrseattle Launches A YouTube Channel

Within our industry, an unfortunate reality is the majority of marketing advice is too simplistic to be actionable.  Most advice is generic, such as “Have an effective website” or “Use social media channels to acquire new patients.”  Marketers who have spent more than a week within this industry already know it’s an arduous journey of becoming aware that a marketing channel exists, to using that marketing channel to profitable acquire quality prospects.

Therefore, realdrseattle is launching a YouTube channel of marketing videos.  These are white board talks responding to a specific marketing task, about 10 minutes each.  You will gain actionable insight into improving marketing for your own business.

Why not watch our first video right now?  We explain the difficulties and responses of marketing breast services.

How To Market During A Downturn

While the news is predicting exactly when the recession will come, within particular regions, some of our clients know that the recession is already here.  During the last years of good times, some markets became saturated by aesthetic services.  With the recession, a greater number of businesses are competing for a smaller pool of customers.  Some tips to stand above the others:

Match copy to customer intent: This is the Features vs. Benefits debate.  Website descriptions frequently discuss the excellence of their services, but not how those services translate into customer satisfaction.  For example, one of our clients had an extensive page of Kybella, and the quality of their injectors.  While good, the content failed to match customer desire of shrinking double chin and reducing jowls.  When we updated the page to speak to the customer’s primary motivating concerns, there was an immediate increase in booked appointments.

Improve conversion forms: Conversion forms are a science in itself.  We’ve been surprised at the amount of marketing some clinics spend, while driving prospects to poor quality landing pages with awful conversion forms.  Innocuous changes, such as updating the color of a button from red to blue, can by itself lift conversion rates by 2% or more.  

One simple change is updating the text within the submission button itself.  Conversion forms frequently use the default text “SUBMIT” as the point of action.  Changing the text to an action verb, such as “DISCOVER HOW” can increase submissions and conversions.

Examine your most expensive keywords: Trim the budget at the most obvious points.  For one of our clients, his most expensive keyword was “Tummy Tuck” averaging $6.33/click.  We imported that campaign to Bing ads, where “Tummy Tuck” then came in at 91 cents/click.  Though the conversion rate of Bing clicks was less, the 7:1 click cost advantage more than made up for the smaller conversion rate.

If your clinic is facing the down turn and increased competition, and are unsure of next steps, reach to realdrseattle to discover what your strategies may be.

Tips on Making Your New Year Resolution Stick For Real This Time

Surveys indicate Near Year’s Eve Resolutions last an average of three weeks.  Exercise bikes become clothes hangers, drinks go from tea to soda, and healthy dinners give way to the ease of the drive through.

Here’s one tip to avoid this rut this year: Imagine having a conversation with your future self.  You’re facing a temptation.  At that point, you have the opportunity to talk to your 15 minute, one week, or one month future self.  What would that future self be saying at that point, with the results of the temptation you’re facing at this moment? 

Having you chastising yourself can then become a motivating method of resistance against moments of weakness.

...In With The New
A Brand New Air
A Whole New Look & Feel
Alluring New Prospects