Do Remarketing Ads Go Against HIPAA?

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Medical practices and businesses must follow HIPAA laws which protect a patient’s medical information and right to privacy. Therefore, certain forms of advertising are not ideal for medical practices. One of the most surprising ones is remarketing. Let’s look more into the question, “Do remarketing ads go against HIPAA?”

In most circumstances, HIPAA laws prohibit retargeting ads because it is considered a misuse of medically protected information, even if it was provided willingly. There are sometimes exceptions to this such as when signing up for email lists. However, you cannot use the provided email address to remarket on linked social media accounts which may be possible in other industries.

Many advertising portals limit the retargeting healthcare practices and businesses can partake in automatically. However, it is best to always ensure you are protecting your past, current, and future patients’ personal information. Even name and contact information are considered protected information. Therefore, you should take all steps necessary to protect this information.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784 or reach out online via chat or contact form.

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