Are URLs important for SEO?

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Choosing a website URL actually takes quite a bit of planning and strategy. From there, many people have stated over the years that individual page URLs have power in influencing rankings and keywords. Is this true? Are URLs important for SEO?

URLs do have some influence over SEO. However, it is not in the way often believed. While there is no problem with adding your locale to your URL, it is not strictly necessary to see SEO success. The place to focus better on localized keywords is in your content and metadata.

However, search engines do favor short, simple, and relevant URLs. If they do not meet these criteria, then Google may push them down the ranks. This is a fairly small ranking factor, but not a wholly insignificant one. A lengthy URL is not the end of the world as long as it is straightforward and relevant. Creating long URLs to try and fit in keywords is not helpful or worth it.

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