3 Tips For Making Your Website Mobile Friendly From The Start

Mobile-friendliness is one of the most important factors for your website. Google officially made it a ranking factor and with most searches happening from mobile devices these days, if you do not have a mobile friendly website design, this will increase bounce rates and decrease traffic. Here are three tips for making your website mobile friendly from the start.
#1: Compress Images
Before placing photos on your website, ensure that they are compressed as much as possible without sacrificing quality. Often images taken on professional cameras or phones will be fairly large files. You can use photo editing software or even some online tools to compress the images as much as possible. You do not want to compress the images too much because it will lower the resolution quality.
#2: Minimize or Eliminate Pop-Ups
Pop-ups on mobile devices can be troublesome and even glitchy. What happens if the pop-up is bigger than the mobile screen and the user cannot close it to get to your website? They likely will not stick around. Many users also find pop-ups annoying. If you do utilize a pop-up, make it advantageous for the user such as offering a coupon code in exchange for their email address.
#3: Implement a Mobile Menu
Traditional website navigation menus can be difficult to use on a mobile device. To address this, most websites create a menu specific to mobile devices that make it easier to navigate the website. This is fairly routine and is easily done through most content management systems or coding.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784 or reach out online via chat or contact form.