3 SEO Tools Worth Investing In

3 SEO Tools Worth Investing In

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It is impossible for one person or team to do the extensive keyword and SEO research necessary to maintain your SEO strategy. Therefore, there are multiple SEO tools that help you optimize content, find the right keywords, and evaluate your website. Here are 3 SEO tools worth investing in.

#1: Semrush

As one of the most valuable SEO tools out there, Semrush is an all-on-one tool that any SEO expert should have. It can help you find keywords, find broken links, identify areas to improve, make reports, and much more. It can integrate with your Google Analytics and Ads. If you invest in one SEO tool, it should be Semrush.

#2: Yoast

Yoast is a Wordpress or HTML plug-in that helps you optimize your content. It identifies aspects of content that could hurt clarity of SEO such as passive voice, too few transition words, and more. While you can certainly get away without Yoast, if you have a Wordpress site, it is highly recommended.

#3: Moz

Moz helps you keep track of your rankings and keywords. It also is a great resource for evaluating your domain authority. While Moz does have some free features, the paid version is great for people managing multiple domains.

To learn more and schedule a marketing consultation, call us at 206-787-0784 or reach out online via chat or contact form.

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