3 Best Plastic Surgery Marketing Ideas To Get More Patients

Plastic surgery marketing focuses on reaching the people most likely to turn into patients. Various methods of PPC advertising and digital marketing can help plastic surgeons get more patients. There are many well known plastic surgery marketing techniques that help plastic surgeons reach their audience. The marketing experts at realdrseattle® detail the 3 best plastic surgery marketing ideas to get more patients that are lesser known.

#1: Unique Hashtags

Create an exclusive and unique hashtag related to your practice. This will build your brand awareness and make it easy for patients to scroll through your posts when searching through Instagram. Some of the most successful plastic surgeons on social media use unique hashtags to gain more visibility. This technique is fairly easy to implement on your social media posts and can make a difference in your brand awareness and online presence. realdrseattle® can grow your social media presence using a variety of methods including strategic hashtags.

#2: Create Videos

Many social media platforms are beginning to favor videos. Also, social media like YouTube and TikTok are completely based on video content. Therefore, if you can create engaging video content, this can boost your visibility on these platforms. If you make educational videos, this can also earn trust with viewers and potential patients.realdrseattle® can provide guidance in creating the best video content for your plastic surgery practice. With experience in all major social media and video sharing platforms, realdrseattle® can help you get a bigger and wider audience.

#3: Claim/Create A Google My Business Page

Google My Business are pages where you can manage your business information. You can also post updates, blog posts, and manage reviews through the platform. Often, Google will create these itself when its algorithm begins to recognize your practice as a business. If not, you can also make a Google My Business page yourself.Once you either claim or create these pages, fully filling it out and posting regularly will help your Google rankings. As part of our comprehensive marketing services, realdrseattle® can manage your Google My Business listing and optimize it for the best results.To learn more and schedule a free marketing consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also reach out online via our contact form.

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